The memorial association Verein zur Förderung der Gedenkstätte Hadamar e. V. has supported the work of the Memorial Museum since 1998. This work is centred around educational tasks and commemorating the victims of the Nazi “euthanasia” crimes. The association cooperates with the Memorial Museum in matters of remembrance work and public relations.

Thanks to the volunteer staff, the association contributes significantly to the diverse educational work of the Memorial Museum. As guides, they are actively involved in tours, but also contribute to study days, specialist conferences and seminars. Our team at the Memorial Museum supports volunteer staff in organisational matters and especially regarding teaching issues.

In addition to the more specific educational tasks, the association also supports the Memorial Museum in the context of exhibitions, research and publications, for example. In order to enable this work, which is dedicated to commemorating the victims and to providing historical and political education on Nazi violence, the association seeks and collects donations from individuals and institutions. The circle of members therefore extends far beyond the narrower regional area and is geographically spread across the entire Federal Republic of Germany.

Further information and a declaration of membership can be found in our flyer.

The bodies of the association consist of the Board of Directors, the General Assembly and the Advisory Board.

Claudia Stul, Verein zur Förderung der Gedenkstätte Hadamar e. V., Mönchberg 8, 65589 Hadamar, Germany

Donations can be made out to:

Kreissparkasse Limburg

IBAN: DE38 5115 0018 0040 4536 31