Central office at Hadamar Memorial Museum

+49 (0) 6433 91845-01


+49 (0) 6433 91845-49

Management of Memorial Museum

Prof. Dr. Jan Erik Schulte

Director of the Memorial Museum and
Head of the Department of Archives, Memorial Sites, Historical Collections at LWV Hessen

Phone: +49 (0) 6433 91845-01

E-Mail: Gedenkstaette-Hadamar@lwv-hessen.de

Stefanie Will

Reception/Assistant to Prof. Dr. Jan Erik Schulte
Management office of the Memorial Museum

Phone: +49 (0) 6433 91845-11

E-Mail: Stefanie.Will@lwv-hessen.de

Education and Teaching

Judith Sucher, M.A.

Head of Education

Phone: +49 (0) 6433 91845-30

E-Mail: Judith.Sucher@lwv-hessen.de

Arne Jost, M.A. (on parental leave)

Digital Museum and Social Media

Phone: +49 (0) 6433 91845-31

E-Mail: Arne.Jost@lwv-hessen.de

Digital Museum and Social Media (in parental leave replacement)

Phone: +49 (0) 6433 91845-36

E-Mail: Lena.Horz@lwv-hessen.de20

Lisa Caspari, M.A.

Education and Research
Project: Exhibitions tailored to specific regions

Phone: +49 (0) 6433 91845-32

E-Mail: Lisa.Caspari@lwv-hessen.de

Educational-research intern

Phone: +49 (0) 6433 91845-35

E-Mail: Laura.Volk@lwv-hessen.de

Stephanie Fangmann


Phone: +49 (0) 6433 91845-01

E-Mail: Stephanie.Fangmann@lwv-hessen.de

Kerstin Zimmermann


Phone: +49 (0) 6433 91845-01

E-Mail: Kerstin.Zimmermann@lwv-hessen.de

Patricia Birkenfeld

Seconded teacher

Freiherr-vom-Stein-Schule, Hünfelden

E-Mail: Patricia.Birkenfeld@lwv-hessen.de

Seconded teacher

Schule am Budenberg, Haiger

E-Mail: Pasquale.Maiorano@lwv-hessen.de

Seconded Teacher

Wilhelm-von-Oranienschule, Dillenburg

E-Mail: Jasmin.Jaschina@lwv-hessen.de

Seconded Teacher

Fürst-Johann-Ludwig-Schule, Hadamar

E-Mail: Anette.Michel@lwv-hessen.de

Research and Exhibition

Dr. Sebastian Schönemann

Head of Research and Exhibition and
Deputy Director of the Memorial Museum

Phone: +49 (0) 6433 91845-20

E-Mail: Sebastian.Schoenemann@lwv-hessen.de

Dr. Esther Abel

Research Documentation
Management of collection

Phone: +49 (0) 6433 91845-22

E-Mail: Esther.Abel@lwv-hessen.de

Project: Reconceptualisation of Hadamar Memorial Museum

Phone: +49 (6433) 91845 21

E-Mail: Mareike.Schoen@lwv-hessen.de

Franziska Schmidt, M.A.

Project: Reconceptualisation of Hadamar Memorial Museum

Phone: +49 (0) 6433 91845-24

E-Mail: Franziska.Schmidt@lwv-hessen.de

Madeleine Michel, M.A.

Research and Education

Research and inquiries from relatives

Phone: +49 (0) 6433 91845-25

E-Mail: Madeleine.Michel@lwv-hessen.de

Administration and Building Maintenance

Petra Jung


Phone: +49 (0) 6433 91845-12

E-Mail: Petra.Jung@lwv-hessen.de

Mario Bastian

Building maintenance

Phone: +49 (0) 6433 91845-14

Mobile: +49 (0) 172 2552096

E-Mail: Mario.Bastian@lwv-hessen.de

Voluntary Service

Federal Voluntary Service

E-Mail: Philipp.Seauve@lwv-hessen.de

Federal Voluntary Service
(Bundesfreiwilligendienst, BFD)

E-Mail: May.Kaleck@lwv-hessen.de